Gianluca Carotenuto

Photographer, 3D Artist

Born in 1995: I’m a dreamer with a strong passion for Cinema and Photography.

From 2014 I worked in small sets as a camera operator, DoP and portrait photographer. I always liked working with light and communicating something through it.

After obtaining a Degree in Technological Arts, I focused my studies on Computer Graphics and Visual Effects, attending BigRock Institute and later joining their R&D team, thus perfecting my abilities as a 3D Artist and specialising in ambient lightning and digital character creation. During this period I collaborated on projects with Versace, Disney Italy and Nike, as well as producing two independent short films: “The Imaginary Friend Shop” and “Hope”. In 2019 I worked at Stormind Games as a Lead Lightning Artist, contributing to the production of Remothered 2 among other projects, and then returned to BigRock as a Teacher and Content Creator. Nel 2019 ho lavorato presso Stormind Games nel ruolo di Lead Lighting Artist, collaborando allo sviluppo di Remothered 2 ed altri progetti, per poi tornare a BigRock come Teacher e Content Creator.

The artist has also participated in the following online exhibitions:

2020 - A Surrealist World.